Our offer - Lower prices
What we offer our customers is lower prices. We can make do this through more than ten years of experience buying up products anywhere in the world in a very rational manner. To our assistance, we have a large international network of suppliers and we are continuously monitoring the market to find new attractive offers. A request from us is obviously sent out to our established network, but it also exposed to many thousands of potential suppliers, which means that we are often successful in our effort to find better prices. Once we made that, we'll also be responsible for quality assurance and delivery.
One thing that many buyers we work with appreciate is the timesaving they receive through our services so that they can focus more on developmental issues.

We also offer to serve as a combined business development and purchasing resource – Please feel free to contact us for more details on how this works.


Mercari AB
Box 40
SE-524 21 Herrljunga
Telefon: +46 513 720 20
Telefax: +46 513 720 70
Mercari China
18th Floor, Bund Centre
222 Yan An East Road
Shanghai 200002
PR China
Phone: +86 21 6132 3889
Fax: +86 6132 1336

Org.nr. 556643-9062